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Child Development Center

The Child Development Center strives to empower young children, regardless of income or background, to be capable life-long learners. We offer full-day care for children ages 2-5 years old and provide developmentally appropriate environments for each age group.

The Child Development Center is open Monday - Friday from 6:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Our curriculum focuses on literacy, language, mathematics, social-emotional/physical/cognitive skills. Our universal pre-kindergarten program is partnered with the Des Moines Public Schools and we are one of their community locations.


Each day we provide the students with healthy and nutritious meals that fulfill the child & adult care food program standards. As a United Way of Central Iowa partner, the students also have access to on-sight resources like dental exams, fluoride treatments, eye exams, hearing tests, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. We are also part of the United Way Book Buddy Program. 

To enroll your child or to learn more about the Child Development Center, click here, email us at, or call 515-244-2268.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. View the full USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.

Tuition Rates

2-Year-olds (Explorers): $224 per week   

3 Year Olds (Little Learners): $200 per week           

3-4 Year Olds (Superheroes): $200 per week           

4-5 Year Olds (Wise Owls): $192 per week

We offer full-time childcare.  Part-time care is provided on a case-by-case basis.   

2023 Outcomes


Children enrolled


Receive tuition relief


Demonstrate age appropriate social-emotional skills


Screened for developmental delays

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center has always welcomed us with open arms and provided us with great, safe childcare. My girls (Jayla & Layla) have been going there for over a year now and they have grown so much since they started. From potty-training to speech and handwriting, they have come so far! Their teachers have been loving and supportive of them. As a single mom who has overcome so much in my life, it is nice to know my children have a safe space to go where they can thrive.  Domestic violence, severe abuse as a child by my mother who abused drugs and alcohol, ongoing mental health challenges, including PTSD, bi-polar disorder, depression and anxiety are things I deal with on a daily basis. I’m not always the best at following the rules so I appreciate your patience and kindness. I do my best to care for my girls whom I love very much and don't know where I’d be in life if I hadn't had them. Thank you, Bidwell Riverside Child Development Center, for impacting our lives in the most loving way possible. - Larissa

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Families Forward

Main office

3001 Grand Ave.

Des Moines, IA 50312


Bidwell Pantry & Child Development Center

1203 Hartford Ave.

Des Moines, IA 50315

515-244-6251 (Main)

515-989-8413 (Pantry)

©2023 Families Forward.

Created by Violet Clover Consulting.

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